Khathutshelo Magwede

Current degree level: PhD

Field of specialisation: Ethnobotany

Project title: A quantitative survey of traditional plant use of Vhavenda, Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Promoter: Prof. Ben-Erik Van Wyk

Co-promoter: Prof. A.E. Van Wyk

Past post-graduate projects:

Hons: Antimicrobial activity of some plants used by Vhavenda for treatment of syphilis and gonorrhoea

MSc: The effect of some medicinal plants used in the treatment of ticks-infested cattle wounds in the Vhembe District Municipality of Limpopo province, South Africa.

PhD Project

This study entails the quantification of Vhavenda plant uses through implementation of ethnobotanical surveys, using quantitative methods, to accurately document, synthesize and analyse the patterns of traditional plant use by Vhavenda in the Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The uses are categorized into food, beverages, traditional medicine (including veterinary and mythical uses) and technical applications such as construction, thatching, fencing, baskets and firewood. The Vhavenda are found on the far north of the Limpopo province closer to South Africa border to Zimbabwe. Several literature reports on the ethnobotany of Vhavenda are available, but they do not quantify and rate most common plants uses and knowledge about the use of specific plant species. Quantitative methods will be used to determine the level of traditional knowledge still available in communities and to identify the most popular plant species for all the various use categories.


Magwede, K., Tshisikhawe, M.P., Luseba D., Bhat, R.B. 2014. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in treatment of ticks. International Journal of Experimental Botany (Phyton) 83, 155-165.

Conference contributions

Magwede, K., Van Wyk, B.-E. 2015. "Ethnobotanical review of Vhavenda plant uses". (Lecture: 18th Conference of the Indigenous Plant Use Forum joint with the 56th Conference of the Society for Economic Botany (SEB), Clanwilliam, South Africa, 28 June-02 July 2015).

Magwede, K. , Tshisikhawe, M.P., Luseba D., Bhat, R.B. 2012. Inventory list of ethnoveterinary, Medicinal plants used in treatment of tick infested wounds in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. SEB (Society for Economic Botany) International conference, Maryland State University (United States of America).

Magwede, K., Tshisikhawe, M.P., Luseba D. 2012. Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants used in treatment of tick infested cattle wounds in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. ICAPS (International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences), Chiang Mai Empress Hotel (Thailand).